- DBDataReader.zip
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- northwind.zip
- (636.9 KiB) Staženo 1150 x
Kód: Vybrat vše
-- =============================================
-- Author: <Author,,Name>
-- Create date: 26.5.2015
-- Description: Prvni run je potreba zmenit radek 6 na CREATE PROCEDURE
-- =============================================
@count int OUTPUT,
@min int = 0
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
Select @count = Count(*) FROM Products WHERE UnitsInStock > @min -- priradi hodnotu do vystupniho parametru
SELECT UnitsInStock,ProductName FROM Products WHERE UnitsInStock > @min ORDER BY UnitsInStock DESC, ProductName
-- spoustet oddelene
Declare @pocet int
exec ProductsByUnits @pocet OUTPUT, 110
Select @pocet as Pocet
Kód: Vybrat vše
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
namespace DBDataReader
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
SqlConnection conn;
SqlCommand cmdSelect;
SqlDataReader reader;
SqlCommand cmdUpdate;
//cviceni 2
SqlCommand cmdSP;
SqlParameter parMin, parCount;
int ID, Krestni, Prijmeni, Osloveni, Mesto;
private void btnText_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
conn = new SqlConnection();
// v praxi nevhodne, lepsi vlozit do konfiguracniho souboru
// connection string pro SQL server security
conn.ConnectionString = "User ID=sa;Password=Pa$$w0rd;Data Source=MIREK-THINKPAD\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Northwind";
// string pro Windows security (Integrated security, Trusted connection ...)
//conn.ConnectionString = "User Integrated Security=yes;Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Northwind";
// connection string pro LocalDB
//conn.ConnectionString = "User Integrated Security=yes;Data Source=(LocalDB)\\MSSQLSLocalDB;Initial Catalog=Northwind";
bool bad = false;
// try/catch pouzit u VSECH operaci s DB
try { conn.Open(); }
catch (SqlException ex)
MessageBox.Show("ADO err: " + ex.Message);
foreach (SqlError err in ex.Errors)
MessageBox.Show("SQL err: " + err.Message);
catch (Exception ex)
bad = true;
if (bad) return;
cmdSelect = new SqlCommand();
cmdSelect.Connection = conn;
cmdSelect.CommandText = "Select EmployeeID,LastName,FirstName,TitleOfCourtesy,City From Employees";
cmdUpdate = new SqlCommand();
cmdUpdate.Connection = conn;
// priprava volani stored procedury (cv2)
cmdSP = new SqlCommand();
cmdSP.Connection = conn;
cmdSP.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmdSP.CommandText = "ProductsByUnits"; //jmeno stored procedury
// priprava parametru
parMin = new SqlParameter();
parMin.ParameterName = "@min"; // jmeno se MUSI shodovat se jmenem v SP
parMin.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int;
parMin.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
cmdSP.Parameters.Add(parMin); // pridani do kolekce parametru prikazu - NUTNE
// priprava parametru vystupniho
parCount = new SqlParameter();
parCount.ParameterName = "@count"; // jmeno se MUSI shodovat se jmenem v SP
parCount.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int;
parCount.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
cmdSP.Parameters.Add(parCount); // pridani do kolekce parametru prikazu - NUTNE
// datareader je objekt, ktery reprezentuje (zpristupnuje) nacitana data
reader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader(); // posle na DB command, ktery vraci data
ID = reader.GetOrdinal("EmployeeID");
Krestni = reader.GetOrdinal("FirstName");
Prijmeni = reader.GetOrdinal("LastName");
Osloveni = reader.GetOrdinal("TitleOfCourtesy");
Mesto = reader.GetOrdinal("City");
void FillForm()
// na zacatku stoji DataReader PRED prvnim recordem, metoda Read zpristupni dalsi record
if ( reader.Read() ) // Read vraci false, pokud jiz dalsi record neexistuje
// varianta 1 - efektivni ale neprehledna
txtID.Text = reader.GetInt32(0).ToString(); // 0 cislo sloupce v selectu
txtKrestni.Text = reader.GetString(2);
txtPrijmeni.Text = reader.GetString(1);
txtOsloveni.Text = reader.GetString(3);
txtMesto.Text = reader.GetString(4);
// varianta 2 - neefektivni, prehledna
/*txtID.Text = reader["EmployeeID"].ToString(); // 0 cislo sloupce v selectu
txtKrestni.Text = reader["FirstName"].ToString();
txtPrijmeni.Text = reader.["LastName"].ToString();
txtOsloveni.Text = reader.["TitleOfCourtesy"].ToString();
txtMesto.Text = reader.["City"].ToString();
* */
// varianta 3 - efektivni, prehledna ale pozor na NULL
/*txtID.Text = reader.GetInt32(ID).ToString();
txtKrestni.Text = reader.GetString(Krestni);
txtPrijmeni.Text = reader.GetString(Prijmeni);
txtOsloveni.Text = reader.GetString(Osloveni);
txtMesto.Text = reader.GetString(Mesto);*/
// prace s NULL hodnotami
txtID.Text = reader[ID].ToString(); // 0 cislo sloupce v selectu
txtKrestni.Text = reader[Krestni].ToString();
txtPrijmeni.Text = reader[Prijmeni].ToString();
txtOsloveni.Text = reader[Osloveni].ToString();
txtMesto.Text = reader[Mesto].ToString();
private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
if (reader != null) reader.Close();
if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) conn.Close();
private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string strSql;
strSql = "Update Employees Set LastName='" + txtPrijmeni.Text + "' Where EmployeeID=" + txtID.Text;
txtSql.Text = strSql; // debug only
cmdUpdate.CommandText = strSql;
// po connection s OTEVRENYM data readerem NELZE poslat dalsi SQL command
cmdUpdate.ExecuteNonQuery(); // posila na DB command, ktery NEVRACI data (insert,update,create table...)
reader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader();
// cv2
//int pocet = cmdUpdate.ExecuteNonQuery(); // vrati pocet updatovanych, deletovanych
//int cislo = (int)cmdSelect.ExecuteScalar(); // vrati jednu hodnotu
while (reader.Read()) // nacte data pouze z 1 selectu
while (reader.NextResult()); // NextResult - zacni cist data z dalsiho selectu (resultsetu), vrati false nejsou-li dalsi data*/
private void btnSP_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
parMin.Value = int.Parse(txtMin.Text);
// parMin.Value = Convert.ToInt32(txtMin.Text);
reader = cmdSP.ExecuteReader();
//txtSql.Text += "\r\nPocet radku= " + parCount.Value + "\r\n\r\n";
while (reader.Read())
txtSql.Text += reader["UnitsInStock"] + "; " + reader["ProductName"] + "\r\n";
// --->lze pouzit az zde , az po uzavreni DataReaderu
txtSql.Text += "\r\nPocet radku= " + parCount.Value + "\r\n\r\n";
reader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader();
Kód: Vybrat vše
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data.OleDb;
namespace DBDataReaderOLEDB
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
OleDbConnection conn;
OleDbCommand cmdSelect;
OleDbDataReader reader;
OleDbCommand cmdUpdate;
//cviceni 2
OleDbCommand cmdSP;
OleDbParameter parMin, parCount;
int ID, Krestni, Prijmeni, Osloveni, Mesto;
private void btnText_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
conn = new OleDbConnection();
// v praxi nevhodne, lepsi vlozit do konfiguracniho souboru
// musi byt nainstalovat access driver
conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=northwind.mdb";
bool bad = false;
// try/catch pouzit u VSECH operaci s DB
try { conn.Open(); }
catch (OleDbException ex)
MessageBox.Show("ADO err: " + ex.Message);
foreach (OleDbError err in ex.Errors)
MessageBox.Show("SQL err: " + err.Message);
catch (Exception ex)
bad = true;
if (bad) return;
cmdSelect = new OleDbCommand();
cmdSelect.Connection = conn;
cmdSelect.CommandText = "Select EmployeeID,LastName,FirstName,TitleOfCourtesy,City From Employees";
cmdUpdate = new OleDbCommand();
cmdUpdate.Connection = conn;
// priprava volani stored procedury (cv2)
cmdSP = new OleDbCommand();
cmdSP.Connection = conn;
cmdSP.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmdSP.CommandText = "ProductsByUnits"; //jmeno stored procedury
// priprava parametru
parMin = new OleDbParameter();
parMin.ParameterName = "@min"; // jmeno se MUSI shodovat se jmenem v SP
parMin.OleDbType = OleDbType.Integer;
parMin.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
cmdSP.Parameters.Add(parMin); // pridani do kolekce parametru prikazu - NUTNE
// priprava parametru vystupniho
parCount = new OleDbParameter();
parCount.ParameterName = "@count"; // jmeno se MUSI shodovat se jmenem v SP
parCount.OleDbType = OleDbType.Integer;
parCount.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
cmdSP.Parameters.Add(parCount); // pridani do kolekce parametru prikazu - NUTNE
// datareader je objekt, ktery reprezentuje (zpristupnuje) nacitana data
reader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader(); // posle na DB command, ktery vraci data
ID = reader.GetOrdinal("EmployeeID");
Krestni = reader.GetOrdinal("FirstName");
Prijmeni = reader.GetOrdinal("LastName");
Osloveni = reader.GetOrdinal("TitleOfCourtesy");
Mesto = reader.GetOrdinal("City");
void FillForm()
// na zacatku stoji DataReader PRED prvnim recordem, metoda Read zpristupni dalsi record
if ( reader.Read() ) // Read vraci false, pokud jiz dalsi record neexistuje
// varianta 1 - efektivni ale neprehledna
txtID.Text = reader.GetInt32(0).ToString(); // 0 cislo sloupce v selectu
txtKrestni.Text = reader.GetString(2);
txtPrijmeni.Text = reader.GetString(1);
txtOsloveni.Text = reader.GetString(3);
txtMesto.Text = reader.GetString(4);
// varianta 2 - neefektivni, prehledna
/*txtID.Text = reader["EmployeeID"].ToString(); // 0 cislo sloupce v selectu
txtKrestni.Text = reader["FirstName"].ToString();
txtPrijmeni.Text = reader.["LastName"].ToString();
txtOsloveni.Text = reader.["TitleOfCourtesy"].ToString();
txtMesto.Text = reader.["City"].ToString();
* */
// varianta 3 - efektivni, prehledna ale pozor na NULL
/*txtID.Text = reader.GetInt32(ID).ToString();
txtKrestni.Text = reader.GetString(Krestni);
txtPrijmeni.Text = reader.GetString(Prijmeni);
txtOsloveni.Text = reader.GetString(Osloveni);
txtMesto.Text = reader.GetString(Mesto);*/
// prace s NULL hodnotami
txtID.Text = reader[ID].ToString(); // 0 cislo sloupce v selectu
txtKrestni.Text = reader[Krestni].ToString();
txtPrijmeni.Text = reader[Prijmeni].ToString();
txtOsloveni.Text = reader[Osloveni].ToString();
txtMesto.Text = reader[Mesto].ToString();
private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
if (reader != null) reader.Close();
if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) conn.Close();
private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string strSql;
strSql = "Update Employees Set LastName='" + txtPrijmeni.Text + "' Where EmployeeID=" + txtID.Text;
txtSql.Text = strSql; // debug only
cmdUpdate.CommandText = strSql;
// po connection s OTEVRENYM data readerem NELZE poslat dalsi SQL command
cmdUpdate.ExecuteNonQuery(); // posila na DB command, ktery NEVRACI data (insert,update,create table...)
reader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader();
// cv2
//int pocet = cmdUpdate.ExecuteNonQuery(); // vrati pocet updatovanych, deletovanych
//int cislo = (int)cmdSelect.ExecuteScalar(); // vrati jednu hodnotu
while (reader.Read()) // nacte data pouze z 1 selectu
while (reader.NextResult()); // NextResult - zacni cist data z dalsiho selectu (resultsetu), vrati false nejsou-li dalsi data*/
Kód: Vybrat vše
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
namespace DBTransactions
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
SqlConnection conn;
SqlCommand cmdSelect;
SqlDataReader reader;
SqlCommand cmdUpdate;
// cv 2
SqlTransaction tran;
int ID, Krestni, Prijmeni, Osloveni, Mesto;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
conn = new SqlConnection();
conn.ConnectionString = "User ID=sa;Password=Pa$$w0rd;Data Source=MIREK-THINKPAD\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Northwind";
// zahaji transakci a vrati objekt typu SqlTransaction, kterym ridime dalsi chovani transakce
tran = conn.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted);
// nikdy neposilat prikazy commit tran/rollback tran , pokud jsme zahajili transakci metodou begin transaction. Potom ukoncit transakci volanim prislusnych metod objektu transakce - .Commit nebo .Rollback
cmdSelect = new SqlCommand();
cmdSelect.Connection = conn;
cmdSelect.CommandText = "Select EmployeeID,LastName,FirstName,TitleOfCourtesy,City From Employees";
cmdSelect.Transaction = tran; // vsechny commandy posilane po connection se zahajenou transakci musi mit nastavenou vlastnost transaction
cmdUpdate = new SqlCommand();
cmdUpdate.Connection = conn;
cmdUpdate.Transaction = tran;
// datareader je objekt, ktery reprezentuje (zpristupnuje) nacitana data
reader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader(); // posle na DB command, ktery vraci data
ID = reader.GetOrdinal("EmployeeID");
Krestni = reader.GetOrdinal("FirstName");
Prijmeni = reader.GetOrdinal("LastName");
Osloveni = reader.GetOrdinal("TitleOfCourtesy");
Mesto = reader.GetOrdinal("City");
void FillForm()
// na zacatku stoji DataReader PRED prvnim recordem, metoda Read zpristupni dalsi record
if ( reader.Read() ) // Read vraci false, pokud jiz dalsi record neexistuje
// prace s NULL hodnotami
txtID.Text = reader[ID].ToString(); // 0 cislo sloupce v selectu
txtKrestni.Text = reader[Krestni].ToString();
txtPrijmeni.Text = reader[Prijmeni].ToString();
txtOsloveni.Text = reader[Osloveni].ToString();
txtMesto.Text = reader[Mesto].ToString();
private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
if (reader != null) reader.Close();
if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) conn.Close();
private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string strSql;
strSql = "Update Employees Set LastName='" + txtPrijmeni.Text + "' Where EmployeeID=" + txtID.Text;
// txtSql.Text = strSql; // debug only
cmdUpdate.CommandText = strSql;
// po connection s OTEVRENYM data readerem NELZE poslat dalsi SQL command
cmdUpdate.ExecuteNonQuery(); // posila na DB command, ktery NEVRACI data (insert,update,create table...)
reader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader();
private void btnText_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void btnRewind_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
reader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader();
private void btnCommit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
reader.Close(); // jen abych mohl poslat commit
reader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader();
private void btnRollback_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
reader.Close(); // jen abych mohl poslat commit
reader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader();
Kód: Vybrat vše
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
namespace DBDataSet
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
SqlConnection conn;
SqlCommand cmdSelect;
// cv3
SqlDataAdapter adapter;
DataSet ds;
DataView view;
SqlCommand cmdUpdate, cmdDelete, cmdInsert;
int CurrentRow;
bool changed = false;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
conn = new SqlConnection();
conn.ConnectionString = "User ID=sa;Password=Pa$$w0rd;Data Source=MIREK-THINKPAD\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Northwind";
cmdSelect = new SqlCommand();
cmdSelect.Connection = conn;
cmdSelect.CommandText = "Select EmployeeID,LastName,FirstName,TitleOfCourtesy,City,TS From Employees";
adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
adapter.SelectCommand = cmdSelect;
// automaticke vytvoreni SQLCommandu pro DataAdapter
SqlCommandBuilder builder = new SqlCommandBuilder(adapter);
txtSql.Text = builder.GetUpdateCommand().CommandText;
// priprava SQL comandu pro DataAdapter
// UPDATE command
cmdUpdate = new SqlCommand();
cmdUpdate.Connection = conn;
cmdUpdate.CommandText = "Update Employees Set LastName=@LastName,FirstName=@FirstName,TitleofCourtesy=@TitleOfCourtesy,City=@City Where EmployeeID=@EmployeeID and TS=@TS";
cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("@LastName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20, "LastName");
cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("@FirstName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 10, "FirstName");
cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("@TitleOfCourtesy", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 25, "TitleOfCourtesy");
cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("@City", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15, "City");
SqlParameter paraUpdateID = cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("@EmployeeID", SqlDbType.Int, 4, "EmployeeID");
paraUpdateID.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original; // vzit puvodni hodnotu
SqlParameter parUpdateTS = cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("@TS", SqlDbType.Timestamp, 8, "TS"); //timestamp, - noveji rowversion
parUpdateTS.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original; // vzit puvodni hodnotu (zde neni nutne - timestamp je read only)
adapter.UpdateCommand = cmdUpdate;
// INSERT command
cmdInsert = new SqlCommand();
cmdInsert.Connection = conn;
cmdInsert.CommandText = "Insert Into Employees (LastName,FirstName,City,TitleofCourtesy) Values (@LastName, @FirstName, @TitleOfCourtesy,@City)";
cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("@LastName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20, "LastName");
cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("@FirstName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 10, "FirstName");
cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("@TitleOfCourtesy", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 25, "TitleOfCourtesy");
cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("@City", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15, "City");
adapter.InsertCommand = cmdInsert;
// DELETE command
cmdDelete = new SqlCommand();
cmdDelete.Connection = conn;
cmdDelete.CommandText = "Delete From Employees Where EmployeeID=@EmployeeID";
SqlParameter paraDeleteID = cmdDelete.Parameters.Add("@EmployeeID", SqlDbType.Int, 4, "EmployeeID");
paraUpdateID.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Original; // vzit puvodni hodnotu
adapter.DeleteCommand = cmdDelete;
ds = new DataSet();
// data adapter po otevrenem connection posle prislusny select a necha connection otevrenou
// pro zavrene connection jej otevre, posle select a zavre( zustane v puvodnim nastaveni)
conn.Open(); // neni treba?!
// .Fill nacte do tabulky v Datasetu data podle commandu cmdSelect
// pokus v ds tabulka neexistuje, DataAdapter ji vytvori
adapter.Fill(ds, "memEmployees");
conn.Close(); // neni treba?!
//view = ds.Tables["memEmployees"].DefaultView; // pouziti implicitniho view
view = new DataView(ds.Tables["memEmployees"]);
cboOsloveni.SelectedIndex = 0;
FillForm(CurrentRow = 0);
void FillForm(int index)
// varianta 1 - prime pouziti DataTable
/*DataRow dr;
// v praxi otestovat, zda je 0 <= index < ds.Tables["memEmployees"].Rows.Count
dr = ds.Tables["memEmployees"].Rows[index];
txtID.Text = dr["EmployeeID"].ToString(); // 0 cislo sloupce v selectu
txtKrestni.Text = dr["FirstName"].ToString();
txtPrijmeni.Text = dr["LastName"].ToString();
txtOsloveni.Text = dr["TitleOfCourtesy"].ToString();
txtMesto.Text = dr["City"].ToString();
txtRow.Text = (index + 1).ToString();
txtCount.Text = ds.Tables["memEmployees"].Rows.Count.ToString();
// varianta 2 - dataView
DataRowView drv;
// v praxi otestovat zda je 0 <= index < view.Count
drv = view[index];
txtID.Text = drv["EmployeeID"].ToString(); // 0 cislo sloupce v selectu
txtKrestni.Text = drv["FirstName"].ToString();
txtPrijmeni.Text = drv["LastName"].ToString();
txtOsloveni.Text = drv["TitleOfCourtesy"].ToString();
txtMesto.Text = drv["City"].ToString();
txtRow.Text = (index + 1).ToString();
txtCount.Text = view.Count.ToString();
changed = false;
private void btnFirst_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
FillForm(CurrentRow = 0);
private void btnPrev_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (CurrentRow > 0)
private void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (CurrentRow < view.Count -1)
private void btnLast_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
FillForm(CurrentRow = view.Count - 1);
private void cboOsloveni_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string strFilter = ""; // nefiltrovat
if (cboOsloveni.SelectedItem != "All")
strFilter = "TitleOfCourtesy = '" + cboOsloveni.SelectedItem + "'"; // jako klauzule where (bez klicoveho slova)
view.RowFilter = strFilter;
// v praxi otestovat zda po filtrovani zbyl alespon 1 radek
FillForm(CurrentRow = 0);
private void btnSort_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string strSort = ""; // nesortovat (zrusit sortovani)
if (chkSort.Checked)
strSort = "LastName DESC"; // jako order by
view.Sort = strSort;
FillForm(CurrentRow = 0);
private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
void UpdateData(bool ask)
DataRowView drv;
if (!changed) return;
if (ask)
DialogResult volba;
volba = MessageBox.Show("Data zmenena. Ulozit?","Varovani",MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,MessageBoxIcon.Warning,MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
if (volba == DialogResult.No)
changed = false; // dle situace
// otestovat currentRow
drv = view[CurrentRow];
drv["FirstName"] = txtKrestni.Text;
drv["LastName"] = txtPrijmeni.Text;
drv["TitleOfCourtesy"] = txtOsloveni.Text;
drv["City"] = txtMesto.Text;
//drv.CancelEdit(); zruseni editace
changed = true;
private void TextBoxes_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
changed = true;
private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
if ( changed )
MessageBox.Show("Form nelze uzavrit, zmeny nejsou ulozeny");
e.Cancel = true;
private void btnClear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void btnInsert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// vkladani dat primo do tabulky
DataRow dr;
dr = ds.Tables["memEmployees"].NewRow(); // vytvori novy, spravne strukturovany radek
dr.BeginEdit(); // .Begin/EndEdit nutne
dr["FirstName"] = txtKrestni.Text;
dr["LastName"] = txtPrijmeni.Text;
dr["TitleOfCourtesy"] = txtOsloveni.Text;
dr["City"] = txtMesto.Text;
ds.Tables["memEmployees"].Rows.Add(dr); // pridani do kolekce radku tabulky
FillForm(CurrentRow = ds.Tables["memEmployees"].Rows.Count - 1); // prejit na posledni radek
* */
// vkladani data prostrednictvim DataView
DataRowView drv;
drv = view.AddNew(); // vytvori novy, spravne strukturovany radek a pripoji ho do tabulky
drv.BeginEdit(); // .Begin/EndEdit nutne
drv["FirstName"] = txtKrestni.Text;
drv["LastName"] = txtPrijmeni.Text;
drv["TitleOfCourtesy"] = txtOsloveni.Text;
drv["City"] = txtMesto.Text;
// jen, neni-li sort nebo filtrovani
FillForm(CurrentRow = view.Count - 1); // prejit na posledni radek
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataRowView drv;
drv = view[CurrentRow];
if (CurrentRow >= view.Count)
CurrentRow = view.Count - 1;
// pri vymazu v tabulce(nebo view) o jedinem radku vymazat textBoxy, zablokovat tlacitka krome insertu a napr. zruseni pripadneho filtrovani (view.Count == 0)
// pri vymmazu pomoci DataView se deletovane radky odfiltrovavaji
// pri pohybu primo po tabulce je treba tento priznak testovat
private void btnSaveToDB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// varianta 1 - ulozeni dat ridi DataAdapter
//adapter.Update(ds, "memEmployees");
// varianta 2 - ulozeni dat ridi program
/*DataRow[] radky;
radky = ds.Tables["memEmployees"].Select(null, null, DataViewRowState.Deleted);
radky = ds.Tables["memEmployees"].Select(null, null, DataViewRowState.ModifiedCurrent);
radky = ds.Tables["memEmployees"].Select(null, null, DataViewRowState.Added);
// varianta 3 - reseni pomoci DBConcurrencyException
SqlTransaction tran = conn.BeginTransaction();
adapter.UpdateCommand.Transaction = tran;
adapter.InsertCommand.Transaction = tran;
adapter.DeleteCommand.Transaction = tran;
adapter.Update(ds, "memEmployees");
catch (DBConcurrencyException ex)
txtSql.Text = "Kolize: EmployeeID = " + ex.Row["EmployeeID"] + "; LastName=" + ex.Row["LastName"] + "\r\n";
catch (Exception ex)
txtSql.Text = ex.Message;
// varianta 4 - reseni kolize bez pomoci DBConcurrencyException
adapter.ContinueUpdateOnError = true;
adapter.Update(ds, "memEmployees");
if (ds.Tables["memEmployees"].HasErrors)
foreach (DataRow radek in ds.Tables["memEmployees"].GetErrors())
txtSql.Text += "Kolize " + radek["EmployeeID"] + ": " + radek["LastName"] + "\r\n";
void adapter_RowUpdating(object sender, SqlRowUpdatedEventArgs e)
string zprava = "Radek";
if (e.StatementType != StatementType.Delete)
zprava += e.StatementType.ToString() + "; " + e.Row["EmployeeID"] + "; " + e.Row["LastName"];
zprava += e.StatementType.ToString() + "; " + e.Row["EmployeeID", DataRowVersion.Original] + "; " + e.Row["LastName", DataRowVersion.Original]; // puvodni nesmazana data
Kód: Vybrat vše
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
namespace DSetDB
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
DataSet ds;
DataTable tbl;
DataColumn col;
DataRow dr;
int currentRow = 0;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
ds = new DataSet();
tbl = new DataTable();
tbl.TableName = "Lide";
col = new DataColumn();
col.ColumnName = "ID";
col.AutoIncrement = true;
col.AutoIncrementSeed = 0;
col.AutoIncrementStep = 1;
col.DataType = typeof(int);
//definice primarniho klice
tbl.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { tbl.Columns["ID"] };
// druha varianta pridani sloupce - kompaktneji
col = tbl.Columns.Add("jmeno", typeof(string));
col.MaxLength = 50;
// naplneni dat
dr = tbl.NewRow();
dr["ID"] = 1;
dr["Jmeno"] = "Prvni";
dr = tbl.NewRow();
dr["ID"] = 2;
dr["Jmeno"] = "Druhy";
dr = tbl.NewRow();
dr["ID"] = 3;
dr["Jmeno"] = "Treti";
void FillForm(int index)
DataRow dr = tbl.Rows[index];
txtID.Text = dr["ID"].ToString();
txtJmeno.Text = dr["Jmeno"].ToString();
private void btnEditID_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataRow dr = tbl.Rows[currentRow];
// editaci lze zakazat na sloupci nastavenim .ReadOnly = true
dr["ID"] = int.Parse(txtID.Text);
private void btnInsert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataRow dr;
dr = tbl.NewRow();
dr["Jmeno"] = txtJmeno.Text;
FillForm(currentRow = tbl.Rows.Count - 1);
private void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (currentRow < tbl.Rows.Count -1) FillForm(++currentRow);
private void btnPrev_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (currentRow > 0) FillForm(--currentRow);
private void btnFind_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// hlednai podle primarniho klice
DataRow dr = tbl.Rows.Find(int.Parse(txtKey.Text));
if (dr == null)
Kód: Vybrat vše
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
// pridano
using System.Data.SqlClient;
namespace DBRelations
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
SqlConnection conn;
SqlCommand cmdSelect;
SqlDataAdapter adapter;
DataSet ds;
DataRelation relCatProds;
UniqueConstraint uc;
int CurrentRow;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
conn = new SqlConnection();
conn.ConnectionString = "User ID=sa;Password=Pa$$w0rd;Data Source=MIREK-THINKPAD\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Northwind";
cmdSelect = new SqlCommand();
cmdSelect.Connection = conn;
cmdSelect.CommandText = "Select CategoryID, CategoryName From Categories";
adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
adapter.SelectCommand = cmdSelect;
ds = new DataSet();
adapter.Fill(ds, "Categories");
// naplneni 2. tabulky
// v praxi je lepsi mit pro kazdou tabulku vlastni SQL commandy
// nejlepsi ale je mit pro kazdou tabulku vlastni DataAdapter
cmdSelect.CommandText = "Select CategoryID,ProductName " +
"From Products";
adapter.Fill(ds, "Products");
// vytvoreni relace
relCatProds = new DataRelation("CatProds",
ds.Relations.Add(relCatProds); // pridani do kolekce relaci-NUTNE!!
// vytvoreni constraint
uc = new UniqueConstraint("UniqueName",
// pridani do kolekce constraints - NUTNE!!
// true/false - zapnout/vypnout vsechny constraints v ds
ds.EnforceConstraints = true;
FillForm(CurrentRow = 0);
void FillForm (int index)
DataRow dr = ds.Tables["Categories"].Rows[index];
txtCategoryID.Text = dr["CategoryID"].ToString();
txtCategoryName.Text = dr["CategoryName"].ToString();
// .GetChildRows - pouziti relace k vyhledani odpovidajicich radku
foreach (DataRow radek in dr.GetChildRows(relCatProds))
txtProducts.Text += radek["CategoryID"] + "; " +
radek["ProductName"] + "\r\n";
private void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (CurrentRow < ds.Tables["Categories"].Rows.Count - 1) FillForm(++CurrentRow);
private void btnPrev_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (CurrentRow > 0) FillForm(--CurrentRow);
private void btnUpdateName_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ds.Tables["Categories"].Rows[CurrentRow]["CategoryName"] =
// pri duplicite vznikne exception diky UniqueConstraint
private void btnDisplayConstraints_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
txtProducts.Text = "Categories Table Constraints:\r\n";
// zobrazi 2 UniqueConstraints: nase pridane a druhe,
// vytvorene relaci
foreach (Constraint c in ds.Tables["Categories"].Constraints)
txtProducts.Text += String.Format(" Constraint {0}; Typ: " +
"{1}\r\n", c, c.GetType());
// zobrazi ForeignKeyConstraint (vznikle diky relaci) s vlastnosti
// .UpdateRule nastavenou na Cascade
txtProducts.Text += "\r\nProducts Table Constraints:\r\n";
foreach (Constraint c in ds.Tables["Products"].Constraints)
txtProducts.Text += String.Format(" Constraint {0}; Typ: " +
"{1}", c, c.GetType());
if (c is ForeignKeyConstraint) txtProducts.Text +=
String.Format("; Update Rule: {0}",
txtProducts.Text += "\r\n";
private void btnUpdateID_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// pri update primarniho klice (v tabulce Categories DataSetu)
// se automaticky zmeni (diky relaci s .UpdateRule = Cascade)
// foreign keys v tabulce Products!!
ds.Tables["Categories"].Rows[CurrentRow]["CategoryID"] =
Kód: Vybrat vše
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
// pridano
using System.Data.SqlClient;
namespace DBPerPartes
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
SqlConnection conn;
SqlCommand cmdSelect;
SqlDataAdapter adapter;
DataSet ds;
DataView view;
int CurrentRow;
const int BUFFER_SIZE = 10; // zvoleny pocet radku bufferu (ukazka)
int MinID, MaxID = 0; // vim, ze MINIMALNI ProductID je 1 nebo vetsi
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
conn = new SqlConnection();
conn.ConnectionString = "User ID=sa;Password=Pa$$w0rd; " +
"Data Source=MIREK-THINKPAD\\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Northwind";
cmdSelect = new SqlCommand();
cmdSelect.Connection = conn;
cmdSelect.CommandText = "Select ProductID,ProductName " +
"From Products Order By ProductID";
adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
adapter.SelectCommand = cmdSelect;
ds = new DataSet();
// nasledujici nacte 5000 radku od 100000 - neefektivni;
// chyby pri insertech a deletech jinymi uzivateli
// adapter.Fill(ds, 100000, 5000, "Products");
// vytvori strukturu tabulky (prazdnou tabulku)
adapter.FillSchema(ds, SchemaType.Source, "Products");
view = new DataView(ds.Tables["Products"]);
// chci mit data vzdy setridena vzestupne podle ProductID
view.Sort = "ProductID";
FillForm(CurrentRow = 0);
// nacteni jednoho bufferu "smerem nahoru" - uprava SQL dotazu
void FillBufferUp()
// vyber max. BUFFER_SIZE recordu s hodnotou > MaxID
string strSql = "Select Top " + BUFFER_SIZE +
" ProductID, ProductName " +
"From Products " +
"Where ProductID > " + MaxID +
" Order By ProductID";
// lze definovat (podstatne slozitejsi) klauzuli where, i pokud
// mame trideni podle jinych kriterii (napr. LastName, FirstName).
// Casto je treba pridat do trideni Primary Key
// (jako posledni polozku do Order By)
txtSql.Text = strSql; // debug only
cmdSelect.CommandText = strSql;
ds.Tables["Products"].Rows.Clear(); // buffer se nevyprazdňuje!!
adapter.Fill(ds, "Products");
// nove minimalni a maximalni hodnoty ProductID (hodnoty setrideny)
int MaxIndex = view.Count - 1;
MinID = (int)view[0]["ProductID"];
MaxID = (int)view[MaxIndex]["ProductID"];
// nalezeni max. hodnoty PoductID v DB
int GetLastID()
int LastID;
string strMax;
SqlCommand cmdMax;
strMax = "Select Max(ProductID) From Products";
cmdMax = new SqlCommand();
cmdMax.CommandText = strMax;
cmdMax.Connection = conn;
// connected pristup vyzaduje otevrene connection!!
LastID = (int)cmdMax.ExecuteScalar(); // jedna hodnota
return LastID;
// nacteni jednoho bufferu "smerem dolu" - uprava SQL dotazu
void FillBufferDown()
// vyber max. BUFFER_SIZE recordu s hodnotou < MinID
string strSql = "Select Top " + BUFFER_SIZE +
" ProductID, ProductName " +
"From Products " +
"Where ProductID < " + MinID +
" Order By ProductID DESC";
txtSql.Text = strSql; // debug only
cmdSelect.CommandText = strSql;
adapter.Fill(ds, "Products");
int MaxIndex = view.Count - 1;
MinID = (int)view[0]["ProductID"]; // OK - sort ve view zaridi
MaxID = (int)view[MaxIndex]["ProductID"];
// nalezeni min. hodnoty PoductID v DB
int GetFirstID()
int FirstID;
string strMin;
SqlCommand cmdMin;
strMin = "Select Min(ProductID) From Products";
cmdMin = new SqlCommand();
cmdMin.CommandText = strMin;
cmdMin.Connection = conn;
FirstID = (int)cmdMin.ExecuteScalar();
return FirstID;
void FillForm(int Index)
DataRowView dr = view[Index];
txtProductID.Text = dr["ProductID"].ToString();
txtProductName.Text = dr["ProductName"].ToString();
private void btFirst_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
MaxID = 0;
FillBufferUp(); // naplneni 1. bufferu
FillForm(CurrentRow = 0);
private void btnPrev_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (CurrentRow > 0)
// GetFirstID a FillBufferDown vykonavat pod lockingem
// (v transakci) - aby nikdo nemohl odmazat radky v dobe
// mezi GetFirstID a FillBufferDown
// jsou pred FirstID jeste nejake radky?
if (MinID > GetFirstID())
FillBufferDown(); // nacteni dalsiho bufferu
FillForm(CurrentRow = view.Count - 1);
private void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (CurrentRow < view.Count - 1)
// GetLastID a FillBufferUp - opet pod lockigem
// jsou za MaxID jeste nejake radky?
if (MaxID < GetLastID())
FillBufferUp(); // nacteni predchoziho bufferu
FillForm(CurrentRow = 0);
private void btnLast_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
MinID = int.MaxValue;
FillBufferDown(); // nacteni posledniho bufferu
FillForm(CurrentRow = view.Count - 1);
Kód: Vybrat vše
use Northwind
Select Char(9) + Char(9) + Char(9) + 'new Category(' + CONVERT(nvarchar(2),[CategoryID]) + ',"' + [CategoryName] + '")' From Categories
Select Char(9) + Char(9) + Char(9) + 'new Zam(' + CONVERT(nvarchar(2), [EmployeeID]) + ',"' + [LastName] + '","' + [FirstName] +'","' + [TitleOfCourtesy] + '","' + City + '"),' From Employees
Select Char(9) + Char(9) + Char(9) + 'new Product(' + CONVERT(nvarchar(2),[ProductID]) + ',"' + [ProductName] + '",' + Convert(nvarchar(4),CategoryID) + ',' + Convert(nvarchar(4),[UnitsInStock]) + '),' From Products
Kód: Vybrat vše
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace LINQZaklad
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
class Zam
public int ID { get; set; } // automaticky generovane promenne (kvuli vazbe na DataGridView)
public string Prijmeni { get; set; }
public string Krestni { get; set; }
public string Osloveni { get; set; }
public string Mesto { get; set; }
public Zam(int ID, string Prijmeni, string Krestni, string Osloveni, string Mesto)
this.ID = ID;
this.Krestni = Krestni;
this.Prijmeni = Prijmeni;
this.Osloveni = Osloveni;
this.Mesto = Mesto;
class Category
public int CategoryID { get; set; }
public string CategoryName { get; set; }
public Category(int CategoryID, string CategoryName)
this.CategoryID = CategoryID;
this.CategoryName = CategoryName;
class Product
public int ProductID { get; set; }
public string ProductName { get; set; }
public int CategoryID { get; set; }
public int UnitsInStock { get;set;}
public Product(int ProductID, string ProductName, int CategoryID, int UnitsInStock)
this.ProductID = ProductID;
this.ProductName = ProductName;
this.CategoryID = CategoryID;
this.UnitsInStock = UnitsInStock;
List<Zam> zamestnanci = new List<Zam> {
new Zam(1,"Davolio","Nancyaaaaa","Ms.","Seattle"),
new Zam(2,"Fuller","Andrew","Dr.","Tacoma"),
new Zam(3,"Leverlingova","Janet","Ms.","Kirkland"),
new Zam(4,"Peacock","Margaret","Mrs.","Redmond"),
new Zam(5,"Buchanan","Steven","Mr.","London"),
new Zam(6,"Suyama","Michael","Mr.","London"),
new Zam(7,"King","Robert","Mr.","London"),
new Zam(8,"Callahan","Laura","Ms.","Seattle"),
new Zam(9,"Dodsworth","Anne","Ms.","London"),
List<Category> categories = new List<Category>
new Category(1,"Beverages"),
new Category(2,"Condiments"),
new Category(3,"Confections"),
new Category(4,"Dairy Products"),
new Category(5,"Grains/Cereals"),
new Category(6,"Meat/Poultry"),
new Category(7,"Produce"),
new Category(8,"Seafood")
List<Product> products = new List<Product>
new Product(1,"Chai",1,39),
new Product(2,"Chang",1,17),
new Product(3,"Aniseed Syrup",2,13),
new Product(4,"Chef Anton's Cajun Seasoning",2,53),
new Product(5,"Chef Anton's Gumbo Mix",2,0),
new Product(6,"Grandma's Boysenberry Spread",2,120),
new Product(7,"Uncle Bob's Organic Dried Pears",7,15),
new Product(8,"Northwoods Cranberry Sauce",2,6),
new Product(9,"Mishi Kobe Niku",6,29),
new Product(10,"Ikura",8,31),
new Product(11,"Queso Cabrales",4,22),
new Product(12,"Queso Manchego La Pastora",4,86),
new Product(13,"Konbu",8,24),
new Product(14,"Tofu",7,35),
new Product(15,"Genen Shouyu",2,39),
new Product(16,"Pavlova",3,29),
new Product(17,"Alice Mutton",6,0),
new Product(18,"Carnarvon Tigers",8,42),
new Product(19,"Teatime Chocolate Biscuits",3,25),
new Product(20,"Sir Rodney's Marmalade",3,40),
new Product(21,"Sir Rodney's Scones",3,3),
new Product(22,"Gustaf's Knäckebröd",5,104),
new Product(23,"Tunnbröd",5,61),
new Product(24,"Guaraná Fantástica",1,20),
new Product(25,"NuNuCa Nuß-Nougat-Creme",3,76),
new Product(26,"Gumbär Gummibärchen",3,15),
new Product(27,"Schoggi Schokolade",3,49),
new Product(28,"Rössle Sauerkraut",7,26),
new Product(29,"Thüringer Rostbratwurst",6,0),
new Product(30,"Nord-Ost Matjeshering",8,10),
new Product(31,"Gorgonzola Telino",4,0),
new Product(32,"Mascarpone Fabioli",4,9),
new Product(33,"Geitost",4,112),
new Product(34,"Sasquatch Ale",1,111),
new Product(35,"Steeleye Stout",1,20),
new Product(36,"Inlagd Sill",8,112),
new Product(37,"Gravad lax",8,11),
new Product(38,"Côte de Blaye",1,17),
new Product(39,"Chartreuse verte",1,69),
new Product(40,"Boston Crab Meat",8,123),
new Product(41,"Jack's New England Clam Chowder",8,85),
new Product(42,"Singaporean Hokkien Fried Mee",5,26),
new Product(43,"Ipoh Coffee",1,17),
new Product(44,"Gula Malacca",2,27),
new Product(45,"Rogede sild",8,5),
new Product(46,"Spegesild",8,95),
new Product(47,"Zaanse koeken",3,36),
new Product(48,"Chocolade",3,15),
new Product(49,"Maxilaku",3,10),
new Product(50,"Valkoinen suklaa",3,65),
new Product(51,"Manjimup Dried Apples",7,20),
new Product(52,"Filo Mix",5,38),
new Product(53,"Perth Pasties",6,0),
new Product(54,"Tourtiere",6,21),
new Product(55,"Pâté chinois",6,115),
new Product(56,"Gnocchi di nonna Alice",5,21),
new Product(57,"Ravioli Angelo",5,36),
new Product(58,"Escargots de Bourgogne",8,62),
new Product(59,"Raclette Courdavault",4,79),
new Product(60,"Camembert Pierrot",4,19),
new Product(61,"Sirop d'érable",2,113),
new Product(62,"Tarte au sucre",3,17),
new Product(63,"Vegie-spread",2,24),
new Product(64,"Wimmers gute Semmelknödel",5,22),
new Product(65,"Louisiana Fiery Hot Pepper Sauce",2,76),
new Product(66,"Louisiana Hot Spiced Okra",2,4),
new Product(67,"Laughing Lumberjack Lager",1,52),
new Product(68,"Scottish Longbreads",3,6),
new Product(69,"Gudbrandsdalsost",4,26),
new Product(70,"Outback Lager",1,15),
new Product(71,"Flotemysost",4,26),
new Product(72,"Mozzarella di Giovanni",4,14),
new Product(73,"Röd Kaviar",8,101),
new Product(74,"Longlife Tofu",7,4),
new Product(75,"Rhönbräu Klosterbier",1,125),
new Product(76,"Lakkalikööri",1,57),
new Product(77,"Original Frankfurter grüne Soße",2,32)
private void btnProved_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// LINQ to objects
//var query = from z in zamestnanci select z; // vyber celeho objektu
//var query = from z in zamestnanci select new { z.ID, z.Prijmeni };
//var query = from z in zamestnanci select new { z.ID, z.Prijmeni };
//var query = from z in zamestnanci select new { CisloZam = z.ID, Jmeno = z.Prijmeni };
//grdData.DataSource = zamestnanci; // pro uplnost - take chodi
//var query = from z in zamestnanci orderby z.Prijmeni descending select new { CisloZam = z.ID, Jmeno = z.Prijmeni };
//var query = from z in zamestnanci where z.Osloveni == "Ms." select new { z.ID, z.Prijmeni };
// where z.Osloveni == "Ms." && z.Mesto == "London"
//var query = (from z in zamestnanci select new { z.ID, z.Prijmeni }).Skip(3).Take(4); // podpora strankovani
//var query = from p in products join c in categories on p.CategoryID equals c.CategoryID select new { p.ProductName, c.CategoryName, p.UnitsInStock};
// LINQ to XML
//var query = from z in XElement.Load("..\\..\\Employees.xml").Elements("employee") select z; // zobrazi ale cely podstrom
var query = from z in XElement.Load(@"..\..\Employees.xml").Elements("employee")
// mohu i anonymni objekt new { ... }
select new Zam((int)z.Element("id"),
// "join" XML dokumentu
/*var query = from c in XElement.Load(@"..\..\Categories.xml").Elements("category")
join p in XElement.Load(@"..\..\Products.xml").Elements("product")
on (int)c.Element("id") equals (int)p.Element("catid")
select new {
category = (string)c.Element("name"),
product = (string)p.Element("name"),
units = (string)p.Element("units")
//grdData.DataSource = query.ToList<Zam>(); // take ok
//grdData.DataSource = zamestnanci;
grdData.DataSource = query.ToList();
/*foreach (var x in query)
txtData.Text += x.ID + "; " + x.Prijmeni + "\r\n";
Kód: Vybrat vše
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace LINQtoSQL
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
// zakladni objekt NWDataContext vytvoren visualnim navrharem
// Solution Explorer -> Project -> Add -> New item -> Data -> LINQ to SQL
// set name to NW (pojmenovat)
// double click na NW.dbml a ze Server Explorer z prislusne DB natahat tabulky, Store Procedury... (nechtene sloupce lze vymazat)
// nechtene sloupce vymazat (right mouse + delete)
NWDataContext dc = new NWDataContext();
private void btnDotaz_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// doazy v zasade stejne jako u LINQ to objects
// (neni explicitne vytvareno pripojeni k DB, nejsou psany SQL dotazy ...)
//var query = from z in dc.Employees select z;
//var query = from z in dc.Employees where z.TitleOfCourtesy == "Ms." select new { z.EmployeeID, z.LastName, z.TitleOfCourtesy };
//var query = from p in dc.Products group p by p.CategoryID into cat select new { Kategorie = cat.Key, Pocet = cat.Count()}; // agregace
var query = from c in dc.Categories
join p in dc.Products
on c.CategoryID equals p.CategoryID
select new { c.CategoryName, p.ProductName, p.UnitsInStock };
txtSql.Text = query.ToString(); // vrati sql
dataGridView1.DataSource = query;
private void btnUpravy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var zam = dc.Employees.Single(z => z.EmployeeID == 1);
zam.LastName = zam.LastName + "AA";
private void btnVlozit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Employee novy = new Employee
LastName = "Novak",
FirstName = "Franta",
TitleOfCourtesy = "Mr.",
City = "Prague"
dc.Employees.InsertOnSubmit(novy); // objekt ma byt vlozen
private void btnVymazat_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var query = from z in dc.Employees
where (z.LastName == "Novak") select z;
// pro vymaz jednoho pripadu - opet pomoci Single a DeleteOnSubmit
Kód: Vybrat vše
use Northwind
Select CategoryID as 'id',
CategoryName as 'name'
From Categories For XML Path('category'), root('categories')
Select EmployeeID as 'id', FirstName as 'first', LastName as 'last', City as 'city'
From Employees For XML Path('employee'), root('employees')
Select ProductID as 'id', ProductName as 'name', CategoryID as 'catid', UnitsInStock as 'units'
From Products For XML Path('product'), root('products')
Kód: Vybrat vše
// Entity Framework je novejsi technologie firmy MS pro tvorbu aplikaci,
// ktere pracuji nad databazemi. (U MS se zjevne „inspirovali“ projektem
// NHibernate.) EF je vybudovan nad infrastrukturou ADO.NET, vykladaneho
// v predchozi casti predmetu BI-PCS.
Program v EF je mozno navrhnou tremi zpusoby. Bud se (vizualnimi nastroji EF)
navrhne objektovy model aplikace (entity model) a z neho se generuje jednak
vlastni databaze a jednak vazby mezi modelem a databazi – Model First.
Druha moznost je vyjit z existujici database, z ni (vizualnimi nastroji)
vytvorit objektovy model a vazby – Database First
Noveji lze definovat standardni tridy v programu + tzv. context (objekt,
ktery zajistuje vazbu s databazi) a prislusne kolekce v tomto objektu.
To vse se provede bez pouziti vizualnich nastroju – pristup Code First.
Opet jsou dve podvarianty – s existujici databazi, nebo EF vygeneruje
kod, ktery novou DB vytvori.
Entity model (soubor Northwind.edmx) byl vytvoren z databaze
vizualnimi nastroji Visual Studia (napr. spustenim wizzardu)
.edmx obsahuje XML popisy:
- entitniho modelu (cast CSDL - conceptual schema definition language)
- databaze ci jineho uloziste (cast SSDL - store schema definition language)
- mapovani mezi nimi (cast MSL - mapping specification language)
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
// pridano kvuli DbUpdateConcurrencyException
using System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure;
namespace EF_NW
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
// u starsiho Visual Studio je treba pridat (pomoci NuGet) vlastní EF
// spusteni wizzardu - pridat „ADO.NET Entity Data Model“ do projektu
// velmi se doporuje zatrhout checkbox „Pluralize or singularize …“
private NorthwindEntities NWContext; // NorthwindEntities – vytvoril
// visualni designer (Object Context)
// Jako nazev (pole Name ve wizzardu) jsme zadali Northwind
private void btnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// sloupce GridView (vcetne zdroje) vytvoreny předem ve visualnim
// navrhari, aby se nezobrazovaly Navigation Properties (nechceme),
// ani TimeStamp (pada) a dalsi nepozadovane vlastnosti
grdProducts.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
// nastaveni dalsich vlastnosti DataGridView
grdProducts.AllowUserToDeleteRows = false;
void BindEntities()
NWContext = new NorthwindEntities();
// mozno nastavit (true - implicitni hodnota) - napr.:
// NWContext.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
// pro debug - pise do console (popr. file) vytvarene SQL prikazy
NWContext.Database.Log = Console.Write;
// Definice query, ktera vraci vsechny objekty Category a Product,
// setridene dle jmena
var categoryQuery = from d in NWContext.Categories.Include("Products")
orderby d.CategoryName
select d;
// Navazani ComboBoxu na query, vykonavanou v prubehu
// data bindingu.
this.cboCategories.DisplayMember = "CategoryName";
this.cboCategories.DataSource = categoryQuery.ToList();
catch (Exception ex)
private void cboCategories_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Nacteni Productu pro zvolenou Category
Categories _category = (Categories)cboCategories.SelectedItem;
// Navazani (binding) grid view na kolekci objektu Product,
// ktere odpovidaji zvolene Category (pro dane CategoryID)
grdProducts.DataSource = _category.Products.ToList();
// soucasne nastaveni textoveho pole pro insert
txtCategoryIDNew.Text = _category.CategoryID.ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
// Pro detekovani DbUpdateConcurrency Exception je bud pridan TimeStamp
// (RowVersion)a pro nej nastavena property ConcurrencyMode (ve
// visualnim designeru edmx). Nebo je mozne se obejit i bez TS, ale
// ConcurrencyMode se nastavi u tech property, kde chceme detekovat
// kolize - concurrency (casto u vsech, ktere nejsou ReadOnly)
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
btnSetCurrentDataAndSave.Enabled = false;
btnSetCurrentDataAndSave.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText;
bool saveFailed;
saveFailed = false;
// Ulozi zmeny objektu do databaze, zobrazi hlasku,
// a provede refresh formu.
MessageBox.Show("Zmeny ulozeny do databaze.");
catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException ex)
{ // using!!
btnSetCurrentDataAndSave.Enabled = true;
btnSetCurrentDataAndSave.ForeColor = Color.Red;
// Reseni optimistic concurrency exception (kolize):
// 1. varianta – database wins (obnovit data v entity z DB)
// pomoci metody Reload (data entity prepsana databazovymi)
// saveFailed = true;
// ex.Entries.Single().Reload();
// MessageBox.Show("Kolize - v objektu obnovena data " +
// "z DB\r\n" + ex.Message);
// this.Refresh(); // prekresleni formu
// 2. varianta – client wins (prepsat data v DB z entity)
// saveFailed = true;
// var entry = ex.Entries.Single();
// entry.OriginalValues.SetValues(entry.GetDatabaseValues());
// MessageBox.Show("Kolize - do DB budou zapsana data " +
// "z objektu\r\n" + ex.Message);
// 3. varianta – uzivatel zvoli, jaka data (ci jejich
// kombinaci nebo upravene hodnoty) chce po kolizi ulozit.
// K tomu se mu zobrazi jak jeho aktualni data (oeditovana),
// tak originalni (ze kterych pri editaci vychazel) a
// nactou se i aktualni data z DB. (Nekdy muze byt reseno
// i automatizovane logikou, realizovanou kodem.)
saveFailed = false; // ulozi (pripadne) az uživatel
var entry = ex.Entries.Single(); // informace o datech
var currentValues = entry.CurrentValues; // aktualni
var originalValues = entry.OriginalValues; // originalni
var databaseValues = entry.GetDatabaseValues(); // DB
// zobrazeni uzivateli
originalValues, databaseValues);
// existuje record v DB? (nebyl vymazan nebo zmenen PK
// (zde neni mozne - identity))
if (databaseValues != null)
// nastavit original na DB, aby znovu nehlasilo kolizi:
// znovu nacist grid po vymazani polozky
grdProducts.DataSource = ((Categories)this.cboCategories.SelectedItem).Products.ToList();
BindEntities(); // aby se vse znovu nacetlo
// totez pomoci metod ToObject a SetValues objektu
// DbPropertyValues
saveFailed = false;
var entry = ex.Entries.Single();
var currentValues = entry.CurrentValues;
var originalValues = entry.OriginalValues;
var databaseValues = entry.GetDatabaseValues();
var databaseValuesAsProduct =
var originalValuesAsProduct =
var currentValuesAsProduct =
originalValuesAsProduct, databaseValuesAsProduct);
if (databaseValues != null)
// aby znovu nehlasilo kolizi
// znovu nacist grid po vymazani polozky
grdProducts.DataSource =
BindEntities(); // aby se vse znovu nacetlo
catch (Exception ex)
} while (saveFailed);
// funkce pro zobrazeni dat uzivateli
public void DisplayConcurrencyValues(DbPropertyValues currentValues,
DbPropertyValues originalValues,
DbPropertyValues databaseValues)
// aktualni hodnoty
txtProductID.Text = currentValues["ProductID"].ToString();
txtProductName.Text = currentValues["ProductName"].ToString();
txtCategoryID.Text = currentValues["CategoryID"].ToString();
//txtUnitPrice.Text = currentValues["UnitPrice"].ToString();
txtUnitsInStock.Text = currentValues["UnitsInStock"].ToString();
// originalni hodnoty
txtProductIDOrig.Text = originalValues["ProductID"].ToString();
txtProductNameOrig.Text = originalValues["ProductName"].ToString();
txtCategoryIDOrig.Text = originalValues["CategoryID"].ToString();
//txtUnitPriceOrig.Text = originalValues["UnitPrice"].ToString();
txtUnitsInStockOrig.Text = originalValues["UnitsInStock"].ToString();
// soucasne hodnoty z databaze
if (databaseValues == null)
{ // nenalezeno - deletovano? zmenen PK?
// (zde neni mozne menit PK)
missing.Visible = true;
txtProductIDDB.Text = txtProductNameDB.Text = txtCategoryIDDB.Text = txtUnitsInStockDB.Text = ""; // txtUnitPriceDB.Text
missing.Visible = false;
txtProductIDDB.Text = databaseValues["ProductID"].ToString();
txtProductNameDB.Text = databaseValues["ProductName"].ToString();
txtCategoryIDDB.Text = databaseValues["CategoryID"].ToString();
//txtUnitPriceDB.Text = databaseValues["UnitPrice"].ToString();
txtUnitsInStockDB.Text = databaseValues["UnitsInStock"].ToString();
// totez pomoci objektu Product:
public void DisplayConcurrencyValuesAsProducts(Product currentValues,
Product originalValues,
Product databaseValues) {
txtProductID.Text = currentValues.ProductID.ToString();
txtProductName.Text = currentValues.ProductName.ToString();
txtCategoryID.Text = currentValues.CategoryID.ToString();
txtUnitPrice.Text = currentValues.UnitPrice.ToString();
txtUnitsInStock.Text = currentValues.UnitsInStock.ToString();
txtProductIDOrig.Text = originalValues.ProductID.ToString();
txtProductNameOrig.Text = originalValues.ProductName.ToString();
txtCategoryIDOrig.Text = originalValues.CategoryID.ToString();
txtUnitPriceOrig.Text = originalValues.UnitPrice.ToString();
txtUnitsInStockOrig.Text = originalValues.UnitsInStock.ToString();
if (databaseValues == null) { // nenalezeno - deletovano? zmenen PK?
// (zde nelze)
missing.Visible = true;
txtProductIDDB.Text = txtProductNameDB.Text =
txtCategoryIDDB.Text =
txtUnitPriceDB.Text = txtUnitsInStockDB.Text = "";
else {
missing.Visible = false;
txtProductIDDB.Text = databaseValues.ProductID.ToString();
txtProductNameDB.Text = databaseValues.ProductName.ToString();
txtCategoryIDDB.Text = databaseValues.CategoryID.ToString();
txtUnitPriceDB.Text = databaseValues.UnitPrice.ToString();
txtUnitsInStockDB.Text = databaseValues.UnitsInStock.ToString();
private void btnSetCurrentDataAndSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// uzivatel uklada data po kolizi
btnSetCurrentDataAndSave.Enabled = false;
btnSetCurrentDataAndSave.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText;
if (missing.Visible)
{ // record s danym ProductID neni v DB
// nakopirovani dat pro insert
txtProductNameNew.Text = txtProductName.Text;
//txtUnitPriceNew.Text = txtUnitPrice.Text;
txtUnitsInStockNew.Text = txtUnitsInStock.Text;
txtCategoryIDNew.Text = txtCategoryID.Text;
btnInsert_Click(null, null);
// vlozeni zmen do objektu
var product = NWContext.Products.Find(int.Parse(txtProductID.Text));
product.CategoryID = int.Parse(txtCategoryID.Text);
product.ProductName = txtProductName.Text;
//product.UnitPrice = decimal.Parse(txtUnitPrice.Text);
product.UnitsInStock = short.Parse(txtUnitsInStock.Text);
btnSave_Click(null, null);
private void btnInsert_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// vlozeni noveho objektu
btnSetCurrentDataAndSave.Enabled = false;
btnSetCurrentDataAndSave.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText;
// pridani objektu (Product)
Products newProduct = new Products();
// neprideluji - udela autoincrement v DB:
// newProduct.ProductID = 123;
newProduct.ProductName = txtProductNameNew.Text;
//newProduct.UnitPrice = decimal.Parse(txtUnitPriceNew.Text);
newProduct.UnitsInStock = short.Parse(txtUnitsInStockNew.Text);
newProduct.Discontinued = false; // nepovoluje null v DB
newProduct.CategoryID = int.Parse(txtCategoryIDNew.Text);
// refresh gridu (znovunavazani DataSource)
grdProducts.DataSource = ((Categories)this.cboCategories.SelectedItem).Products.ToList();
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// vymaz objektu
btnSetCurrentDataAndSave.Enabled = false;
btnSetCurrentDataAndSave.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText;
if (grdProducts.SelectedRows.Count != 1)
MessageBox.Show("Pro vymaz musite zvolit jeden radek");
int ProductID = (int)grdProducts.SelectedRows[0].Cells["ProductID"].Value;
// refresh gridu (znovunavazani DataSource)
grdProducts.DataSource = ((Categories)this.cboCategories.SelectedItem).Products.ToList();
private void btnQuery_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// ukazka LINQ dotazu pouzitych v EF
btnSetCurrentDataAndSave.Enabled = false;
btnSetCurrentDataAndSave.ForeColor = SystemColors.ControlText;
// query 1
var query = NWContext.Products;
// query 2
// var query = from p in NWContext.Products
//select new {
// p.ProductID, p.ProductName
// query 2a – totez jako 2 pomoci lambda vyrazu a metody Select
// var query = NWContext.Products.Select(c = > new {c.ProductID, c.ProductName});
// query 3 – trideni (pomoci metody OrderBy)
// var query = NWContext.Products.OrderBy(x => x.ProductName);
// query 4 - produkty, zacinajici pismenem M
// var query = from p in NWContext.Products
// where p.ProductName.StartsWith("M")
// select p;
// query 5 .FirstOrDefault - pro vyber jednoho objektu
// (neni kolekce, nema .ToList)
// Product p = NWContext.Products // mozne i var misto Product.Where(b = > b.ProductName == "Chai").FirstOrDefault();
// MessageBox.Show(p.ProductID + " " + p.ProductName + " " +
// p.UnitsInStock);
// query 6 – stejny dotaz jako 5, ale vraci kolekci objektu
// (ta ma metodu .ToList, i kdyz kolekce obsahuje jediny objekt)
// var query = NWContext.Products.Where(b = > b.ProductName == "Chai");
// query 7 - vyuziti navigacni vlastnosti - join neni nutno psat
// explicite (p.Category.CategoryName - prejit do druhe kolekce)
// Category – pointer na objekt Category pro dany Product
// var query = from p in NWContext.Products
// select new { p.ProductID, p.ProductName,p.Category.CategoryName};
// bezny GridView, ktery automaticky vytvari potrebne sloupce
grdOutput.DataSource = query.ToList(); // zakomentovat pro query 5
// zneviditelnit pripadnou navigacni property
if (grdOutput.Columns.Contains("Category")) grdOutput.Columns["Category"].Visible = false;
Kód: Vybrat vše
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace NW_CodeFirst_FromDB
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
Northwind NWContext = new Northwind();
// classes Northwind (dedic DbContext), Categories, Products vytvoreny wizardem spustenym pridanim "ADO.NET Entity Data Model"; jmeno Northwind jsem zadal jako prvni name ve wizardu
// zatrzenim checkbox "Pluralize or Singularize ..." (kolekce na konci ...s)
// AppConfig - take jsem pouzil nazev connection stringu Northwind
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// sloupce DataGridView nastaveny ve vizualnim navrhari (vcetne jmen ze zdroje)
grdProducts.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
grdProducts.AllowUserToDeleteRows = false;
// pro debug
NWContext.Database.Log = Console.Write; // vypis SQL prikazu
Kód: Vybrat vše
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace EF_CodeFirst_NoDB
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
//NWContext NW = new NWContext();
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// sloupce DataGridView nastaveny ve vizualnim navrhari (vcetne jmen ze zdroje)
grdProducts.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
grdProducts.AllowUserToDeleteRows = false;
// pro debug
NW.Database.Log = Console.Write; // vypis SQL prikazu
var categoryQuery = from d in NW.Categories.Include("Products")
orderby d.CategoryName
select d;
// Navazani ComboBoxu na query, vykonavanou v prubehu
// data bindingu.
this.cboCategories.DisplayMember = "CategoryName";
this.cboCategories.DataSource = categoryQuery.ToList();
catch (Exception ex)
* */
private void cboCategories_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
// navazani datagrid na products, odpovidajici aktualni hodnote combo boxu
//grdProducts.DataSource = ((Category)cboCategories.SelectedItem).Products.ToList();
catch (Exception ex)
private void btnSaveToDB_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// ulozeni zmen do DB
MessageBox.Show("Zmeny ulozeny do DB");
catch (Exception ex)
private void btnFillDB1st_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// jenom ukazka vytvoreni a naplneni db
using (var NW = new NWContext())
NW.Database.Log = Console.Write;
Category _category = new Category() {CategoryName = "Beverages"};
_category = new Category() {CategoryName = "Diary Products"};
_category = new Category() {CategoryName = "DansGame"};